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Research Experience and Side Note

Research Experience:

This summer I had the opportunity of not only working with Fundación Esquel but in a research held by an academic of FLACSO (Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences). The research focused on the sexual and reproductive rights of women in Ecuador. Abortion under any circumstance is ilegal in Ecuador. Nonetheless, it is a reality. How women through decades have aborted, how clinics in Ecuador (specifically in Quito) respond to women who have aborted and how have sexual and reproductive rights developed in Ecuador were the subject of the research. My responsibility was to to review and visit the literature of Masters students of FLACSO who have done their tesis on the subject.

The religious, social, racial, ethical and even geographical circumstances define the experience of women sexual and reproductive practices and experiences. Now women have freedom in choosing their partners and method of contraceptives, none the less past believes, some influenced by the catholic church and some society by society and population needs and regulations are still present in contemporary Ecuadorian society. The final part of this research was to be presented to Planned Parenthood Global.

Side note:

When I was looking for interships in Ecuador I had an interview with a shelter for women who have being victims of domestic violence. I decline this opportunity and believe they were relived I did. During the interview they asked me why did I choose to study theology. I explained to them my interest in religion even thought I don't practice any religion and consider myself spiritual but not religious. They were extremely skeptical about religion and my studies in Harvard. They told that it was forbidden to speak about religion in the shelter. In that moment I asked them how a place that is supposed to help victims recover closes the door for something as important as faith, specially in a country with a 80% of catholic population. I never thought I will find myself defending religion. Specially for the weight it holds revolving subject such as colonization and the abuses of the church in all Latin America. I am not blind to these occurrences but I can not denied a population of its because of someone else fault. I asked them "what if a women who has been a victim is extremely religious?" They just say we respect everyone's believe but don't accept any type of religious practice. I do understand where they are coming from since religion can be a trigger on circumstances. Nonetheless, is a relief for some.

I understand the importance of secular spaces but I also recognize the importance for spiritual spaces. Divinity school has taught that there is a space for both and sometimes when denying one the space we are blinding ourself for future opportunities.

These encounter turn into a learning experience and months later when some friends come to me asking about shelters for women who have being victims of domestic violence, thanks to the research I had done to for the interview and the facts about the system I could learn from the interview I was able to help them and I'm thankful for this experience.


Thanks to the generous support of the Women and Public Policy Program’s  at Harvard Kennedy School, I’ll be spending the summer in Quito, Ecuador, working on building a women's priorities agenda that has the objective of empowering women civil organizations so they can promote gender equality and women rights in Ecuador.

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