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Week 8

In my last week at Fundación Esquel I worked setting everything ready for the final report we had to present to UN Women. The report justify all the money spend in the project, will have a executive summery, an analysis of the context in which we work, the results of the project, the general methodology and various methodologies used in different moments of the project, the strategies and alliances that were formed during the project and for the project and the evaluation and learning opportunities of the project.

By the culmination of this project we have reached and worked with 350 women in the Ecuadorian territory. Furthermore, Margarita Carranco, one of the heads of this project, was able to meet with the President of the National Assembly of Ecuador (the legislative branch) in order to discuss gender based violence and draft to generate a law that prevents and eradicates All Forms of Violence Against Women is on the table.

Finally, the last day of the National Encounter the women's movement thank me for my participation within the construction of the agenda. I can only say that it has being an honor for me to serve the women of my country and work for and with such courageous, smart, passionate, sensible, strategic and loving women.


Thanks to the generous support of the Women and Public Policy Program’s  at Harvard Kennedy School, I’ll be spending the summer in Quito, Ecuador, working on building a women's priorities agenda that has the objective of empowering women civil organizations so they can promote gender equality and women rights in Ecuador.

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